Simple pricing

Start building for free, pay only when you launch



€10 / month €50 / month
Sites included 1 10
Extra site +€10 +€5
Custom domains
Realtime collaboration
Stripe integration
Paid yearly monthly / yearly

Unlimited traffic

We don't limit you in any way meaning your website can go bananas for a fixed price.

SSL Certificate

All sites come with SSL encryption to ensure the protection of data to and from your website.

Dynamic sitemap

We generate a sitemap for all your pages so they can easily be found by search engines.

SEO and metadata

You have full control over all meta-descriptions and social share images.

A modern editor for modern sites

Google found that Progressive Web App install banners convert 5-6× more often than native install banners.

Forbes redesigned their mobile experience as a PWA resulting in 43% increase in sessions per user, ad view-ability up 20%, and 100% more engagement.

Lancôme’s PWA features a 17% increase in conversions, a 51% increase in mobile sessions overall and a 53% increase on iOS alone.

State of the art tech

Read more about Progressive Web Apps.